Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Grinch vs Christmas

I tell myself, "Thank you Father for everything, I have no complaints whatsoever." It's been an effort lately, even though I know positive thoughts and feelings benefit me and negatives circle and bite.

I intended to blog every week, but I have not had internet for a month, and my computer still isn't right. For one thing, it repeats what I type - without my permission. My computer guru suspects I have one or more sticky keys. I love honey on my cereal, but I have not fed any to my keyboard.

My fb is sooooo slooooow. I send right-side up pics from my phone and they appear sideways on fb. People comment on them, but I can't find them to "try" to turn them to the right.

The Grinch did it: Someone out of the country tried to make a withdrawal from my bank account. Fortunately the Fraud Dept. caught it. They asked, "Did you charge this?"
"Have you been to the UK recently?"
"Nope," but my heart flutters at the prospect of travel. "When I go, you'll be notified."
These people need legitimate jobs. I'll put that on my prayer list. I didn't say Christmas list, there's no wishing, I'm taking action. Grinch be gone!

We wanted to go to the hills to cut a little tree, but Mother Nature decided otherwise. She sent rain that turned to ice. Here in the Deep South we don't have snow removal or scatter except for bridges. Improvise! I bought 6' of pine boughs at our Miss Dell's. They smelled so good I wore them home collar-style. Our creche sits`in the center on the tiny kitchen table by the window. That's Christmas.

May the Grinch not get a hold of your Christmas. May your holidays be wonderful and the New Year the best ever!

2013 Red Convertible Travel Series

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