Saturday, June 10, 2017

Krysia Antonia Jasa

My daughter was handy
with a hammer and a needle
She loved animals and construction 
And working with her carpenter Dad

5'2" and about 100 lbs. 
she could move furniture
many times her weight
Thank God for sliders

An old oak library table 
was one of our
"traveling" pieces of furniture
to the basement
to the garage 
back to the main floor
into the attic

An avid reader
she had 15 bookcases
of books
Some she read several times
I so wanted to keep
her Art Books
from Museums around the World

Our Wahoo Public Library
was the beneficiary 
of her collections

She always knew 
where she put something
it always went back 
to the same place

She built this blog 
for me
in 1995

she drug me
kicking and screaming
into the
electronic age

Remembering her
makes me smile

RIP my dear

Krysia's Counted Cross Stitch
©2017 Red Convertible Travel Series

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