Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas 2015 and MS Tornadoes

Mississippi was unseasonably warm and wet Wed., Dec. 23rd. Fourteen tornadoes ravaged 150 miles across the state. The Governor declared a State of Emergency. Along US 49 and 322, in our Clarksdale area, homes, a church and a crop duster's business were severely damaged. Our neighbor's home had the meter base torn off.

Tornadoes traveled northeast clocking winds in excess of 150 miles an hour. I55 was closed between Batesville and Como after multiple truck accidents. I put cat, Madchen, in the bathroom. She sat and stared like a statue. Johnny was a nervous wreck insisting we move to the bathtub. Instead, I tested my faith muscle. From my recliner, I prayed for protection for all in its path. Buckshot, our little dog, was not rattled. Neither was I. The storm came over our house, lifted the shingles, and laid them back down. Not one blew off. Thank you, Lord!

Holly Springs was ravaged the worst. Topped trees looked like tall pencils. A car was trapped under a twisted tractor trailer and the occupants survived.

The death toll rises. It took weeks to log damage and put a pall on Christmas. But there were miracles to give praise for. Three people left their house and piled into their truck. Before they could get away, it blew the truck into a tree saving their lives; the house was destroyed. Many homes were wiped off their foundation. Victims concurred the tornado sounded like a raging freight train.

Our hearts go out to all. Google MS tornadoes 12-23-15 for more information. If you want to help, contact the Red Cross.

Wed. evening I watched I Love Lucy reruns I haven't seen since 9/11. They are light moments that shore us up for coping with life's monsters. Peace and Grace to all and to all a Good Night. May your Christmas be Merry and the New Year super!


©2015 Red Convertible Travel Series

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