Since childhood we've heard speculation about a dam on Sand Creek. It was always too expensive. Something shifted. I took this pic atop what's left of Bodley's Hill. Never paved, it was a vehicle test when muddy, and a great place to sled. Today the stakes mark the edge, a sheer drop off of about fifty feet. Wildlife will need to find new homes. When the dam fills, the trees will be covered providing hiding places for fish and snagging places for fishermen.
Highway 77 will continue around the west and north sides of Wahoo and over the dam. Where highways 109 and 77 intersect, the road has been raised. The weigh scale got a lift, too. Afterall, no eighteen-wheeler wants to drive in a hole to get weighed.
When I celebrated my 16th birthday, friends and I went down snow-packed Bodley's Hill in a truck we believed could go anywhere. It couldn't. A neighbor and his tractor came to our rescue. With the building of the dam, Bodley's Hill is now a private, crushed rock drive.
Those below the dam are looking forward to life without flooding, while the recreation lake will spawn a variety of new businesses for fun. Bait anyone?
2009 Red Convertible Travel Series
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