Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Snowed in with Texas Rick's Spaghetti

This winter is no picnic, but the conditions were harsher in my grandparent's time. Houses weren't as warm. If firewood froze down people froze to death. It makes me cold remembering Dad chopping a hole in the ice for the cattle to get a drink. And his laundered longjohns froze stiff on the clothesline. Mom brought them in and "stood" them in the corner until they thawed enough to bend over the drying rack.

Late in the afternoon of a bitter January day, Dad pointed out a sundog: two suns setting. One was a mirror image. They were two egg yolks about to splat into the evening.

Iced and snowed in, our Texas neighbor, Rick, asked if we'd like spaghetti? He would cook it at our house. I have the bigger pot. You bet. I've marveled at Italians cooking their sauce all day but didn't know the particulars.

Rick Roch's Spaghetti

Season one pound of ground beef with
1 tsp garlic powder, or 2 tsp chopped fresh garlic
2 TBS Italian seasoning
1 tsp Montreal Steak seasoning
1 tsp. Tony Cacheres cajun seasoning

Brown in 2 TBS of EVOO with 1/2 cup chopped onion

Drain the grease off

Add 2 cans tomato paste
3 small cans tomato sauce
1 large can diced tomatoes
Fill diced tomato can with water and add
Repeat seasonings for sauce

1 tsp garlic power, or 2 tsp chopped fresh garlic
2 TBS Italian seasoning
1 tsp Montreal Steak sace
1 tsp Tony Chacheres cajun seasoning

Now here's the secret: simmer 4-5 hours
Stir occasionally

Add Johnson's Summerville Italian Sausage with cheese
Simmer 2 hours
Stir occasionally

It smelled so good all day and was wonderful with angelhair pasta. Worth the wait.

I did not know left over pasta could be reheated. Rick said to drop it in boiling water and pour the water off. Fast. It worked. As Benny Hill used to say, "Learning something new every day."

2010 Red Convertible Travel Series

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